[DOORWAYS] ❋ Gabrielle Lessans
of hallucinogens of amphetamines
of perceptual traps of purity of lysergic
conversations with deities of l u m i n o u s visitations in your sleep
yoga of sanity of sanctity satanic infield visions on the race track
cradling your head in my hands: a velvet oasis of
mind & its humidity of festival & of
ceremony of driving through the cold rain & snow of ice
of forest fires of places to return to & return to
where words c a s c a d e like pickles & pretzels & dildos & demons
& cymbops where dreams portray crickets & rodents & rolling paper
birds of tarot cards flying through the air again of panther as
empress & my cat her apprentice of forgetting
how to follow how to fall of down a portal to the drumming of
a generator ancient heartbeat of sea sounds made by the
highway & a zipping by of planes o the sky
surrounding womb in certain riffs of traceable
lineage of homesick tropes of songs I learned
through my organs how to hold a drop of
lightening like a cobweb among tired blades of
grass & bits of dew