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you have to get the referral you have to get the referral in person
you have to get the referral in person from a doctor you have to
get the referral in person from a doctor that has never met you
before you have to get the referral in person from a doctor that
has never met you before and has no idea the state of your condition
but you have to get the referral but you have to get the referral
but you have to get the referral but you have to get the referral
and have it faxed to the assistant of the doctor who will be
doing the procedure you have to get the referral and have it
faxed and wait you have to get the referral and have it faxed and
wait and call back to see if the assistant to the doctor who is doing
your procedure got the piece of paper from the doctor that
has no idea the state of your condition you have to get the referral
to move across manhattan by fax and phone because email
is not secure something about the frequency right but the
phones and the fax machines are safe because they’re outdated
technology you have to get the referral now from the assistant
of the doctor who is doing your procedure to your new insurance
company you have to get the referral to them by fax again
with the fax and the phone you have to get on the phone again
to call and see if the assist of the doctor who is doing your procedure
succeeded in faxing the piece of paper over to the insurance
company somewhere in Arkansas to a person who has
never met you but is excited about the referral from the doctor
who has met you once to the assistant of the doctor who is doing
your procedure you have to get the referral in person you
have to get the referral in person you have to fax the referral in
person you have to call the assist of the doctor who is doing
your procedure in person you have to fax the piece of paper in
person and call the insurance company in person to see if they
got the referral for the procedure that you need but don’t want
but you need them to cover it because money you need to get
the referral