FUNAMBULISM ❋ Chanelle A Bergeron
please forgive me
while i dip
you in butter
soften your fur
to the degree of
the moon pouting
sodden with rain
my scales are catching
flecks of river water
in their crevices
which is how i know it
will snow soon
& which is how i know
that the river
will become crusted
in chantilly, torchon, binche
the tatting
of expert fingers
the glaze
of winter-breath
freezing everything over
& you are
a swan feather
& you are
a lathe
& you are
a tightrope walker
feet flattened to the rope
your arms folded,
grabbing onto the clavicles
a fountain gushing
spraying you from below
the moss is ours
our meeting place
(it always has been)
& the sunlight
is what remains
& the rain
which settles on
our eyelashes,
the reason we came here
to begin with
please forgive me
while i dip
you in butter
silently & veiled
in the fog-dust
tugging at our elbows
turning us to ribbon
with nothing but sky
for miles beneath it