i am starting to feel something resembling a fierce desire to move away from myself at lightspeed toward a cold silent massive void
i am typing my emotions aloud on a personal computer
there is something starting to resemble someone that you’d rather be with and it is at an unbearable distance
but you are typing your emotions onto a touchscreen phone
to be sent hundreds of miles onto another touchscreen phone
in a three second attempt to express something life changing to someone
now you are accelerating toward the infinite destructive centre of time
and you feel like a vase shattering in slow motion
as a cat watches from the window sill
before returning its gaze out the window to stare at a tree
your phone is making sad motions in your pocket
your phone is yearning to be in one of the places where it sends its texts
you are telling yourself to walk three miles
so if you are ever in love again
your body may be able to express itself gracefully
as someone you don’t know currently presses their face against your face
late at night
in a queen sized bed
before you go to sleep
and then wake up thinking about death and eternity
and the world-collapsing feeling in the chest
the world-collapsing feeling in the arms
the world-collapsing feeling behind the eyes
in the temples
in the fingernails
at the base of the spine
in the brain
the flesh
the blood the marrow
that you will be alone again
and probably all love fades
this is your decision
as you lie there sleepless
beside somebody dreaming and vacant
who told you your eyes were lovely
and whose body silently and beautifully lied to you and said things won’t become banal
and now you are starting to feel like you’d rather not be in existence
but there’s not much you can do to change that
just slowly and irrevocably relinquishing parts of yourself
like a wilting flower
i am starting to feel like i should end this poem
i think this poem is not about me
but really it’s secretly about me
and all my emotional states can be represented on a 20″ monitor
or a touchscreen phone
and there is something i’m trying to say
i just don’t know what it is
it’s there
on the tip of the tongue
an ember lodged in the brain
a cold desolate wind in the ribcage
a feeling of general shittiness and muted despair somewhere in the cardiovascular system
i am starting to feel it is safer from an existential standpoint to be away from my computer
this is the place where my emotions assail me
my computer weaponises my emotions and turns them into poems so they can attack me at a later point in time
the body is a vase to be filled with the fetid waters of sorrow and dying flowers
or something metaphorical
something very ancient found only in scraps of untranslated poems
something very ancient that ignites the heart fills the brain seething with the infinite desolation of unbounded longing and makes the eyes flash with the wrath of heaven
the sinews fill up with yearning
something cosmic and eternal
that finds temporal expression through your actions and desires
i am starting to feel like the entire ocean if it evaporated and i am all the dying sea creatures
and the sun is my enemy and it licks the slimy surfaces of my eyes evaporating any moisture that could serve as a fleeting reminder of the ocean
and i am gasping for air or water because i have gills and i am not ready to die
i have billions of gills because i am the totality of all sea life
and the empty ocean
and the mountains that are collapsing in on themselves
and tectonic shifts
and whirlwinds
and blizzards
and category five hurricanes
and tsunamis
and avalanches
and volcanic eruptions
and new natural disasters
previously unimaginable natural disasters
and insane deathless creatures from religious texts
and i have a billion eyes
and everything i see hurts
and i cannot look away
and i am staring into the infinite destructive centre of time
and everyone is collapsing in on themselves
leaving scattered flecks of skin
and fingernails
and hair
and ribcages
and fragments of skull
and a cat that sits alone in a window sill
watching the end of the world feeling indifferent and disinterested
turning away from the collapse of the last tree on earth to lick its paw
and now i feel like i am moving away from myself
at the rate of every poem i’ve ever written is secretly about you
and your eyes will never see any of them
and i am becoming a secret that is trapped inside the void of its own mouthless existence
and wants nothing more than to be told
in the middle of the night
from one lover to another
hoping in the moment of telling to outlast death and eternity
and vanish in a flash like the oceans during a supernova
and my cellphone is a little closer to me tonight
but you are farther away
you are farther away
and i am a dried ocean