On several occasions I have been told that I
Underestimate the emotions of others
I know it’s true
I don’t give people credit they deserve
I have also been reminded
That everyone feels the way I do
Now and then
Everyone feels the way I do now
I know this is not true
I know not everyone feels this way
I feel this way
I feel this
There is no now and then
There is only then and now—
I would lie on the floor
And watch the ceiling swirl
I will not lie on the floor
My body thinks it’s a centipede
Like the centipede that scurried out
From under my books
In French class last Friday
I thought it mean something
The walls have gone dark again
They are blacker than they have ever been
I won’t see anyone
I don’t think I can see anyone
I drink this loneliness
My brain calls it nectar
In this place
Past underground
This place
Past shadows
This monochrome
Shrill black silent wilderness
Feeds me
Feeds on me
I give it every memory
Photographs songs poems
Old words and happy things
Gone to dust
It’s an agreement
I think
An agreement to try
To believe the promise of new sunlight
In the presence
Of swollen darkness
I try
I try to imagine stars on this ceiling
I know
I know not everyone feels this way
Not everyone feels like this
If everyone felt like this
The world would always be quiet