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LOVE SHACK ❋ Marie Darsigny

In 2009 I asked you to make dreadlocks in my hair
but you only ended up making one and we named it Lucy.
We were sitting at a café table and I had to bend forward
while you twisted my hair between you palms.
You said “my hair is full of secrets” and I guess what you really meant
was that I would never get to know you, the real you, whatever reality is,
is reality knowing that you’re gone forever? You twisted my hair
between your palms and you coated Lucy with Burt’s Bees lip balm.
The B52s were playing because it was the only CD we had.
Love shack baby love shack, and you twisted my hair
between your palms. You were full of secrets and I asked you why
the dreadlock was named Lucy. You only answered “see this plant?
its name is Albert” and I never asked again about your secrets.
You left for Boston and I did my best to take care of Lucy,
but Lucy needed more Burts Bees or maybe she needed more attention,
maybe I needed your attention but you were so full of secrets that
you didn’t have time for my reality. What is reality? Maybe reality is knowing
that dreadlocks are not forever. In 2009 I asked you why you were full of secrets
and you answered “My secrets are named Mystery, Martha, and Maybe One Day We’ll be Together”
so I kept hoping that you’d show up in Montreal again, in my love shack baby love shack.
Since 2009 I waited for you & your secrets to show up again,
but it is now 2014 and I need to tell you something baby:
Lucy is long gone and I don’t need Burt’s Bees lip balm anymore.