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sunset me
a postcard in the mail
from Burbank, California
even my own thoughts
I think only somewhat
Haribo gummies
girls in fall clothes
I’d like to perform something
not dominated by industry
each consumer decision
is a chance to end the world
an expense report
celebrities vacationing
in sunny Polynesia
teens smoke salvia
in the Ikea parking lot
call your girlfriend
it’s time you had the talk
now is a good time to start reading
a book called Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol
on our second date
we put up this Hemnes wardrobe
there are exotic myths
that have to do with size
anorexic pool boys
serving hot dogs
in the nude
I forgot the things he said to me
a Polish working class guy
who went to Fordham
looked into the dark waters
considered suicide fall semester
a creep in an idle Honda Zipcar
in the parking lot
just staring
W Magazine
I dream all night