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TWO DOGS ❋ Rosamond Atkin

Two dogs
Fall in love

Their Owners
Don’t know

One dog
Like a plant

Cranes his neck
Toward the sunbeams

Of his dog lover
Rushing beyond

The golf course
Into suburban woods

To their secret
Meeting place

When his Owner
Dies one night

Watching Netflix

Dropping the remote
On the carpeted floor


The two dogs
Met at the run

Conspiring against
Their collars

The other dog
Loves to run

She mostly liked to run
With her dog lover

She is suspicious of dogs
That want anything more—

Dogs that want to fill
The negative spaces

Between each other

With gardens
That they force to grow


She said Congratulations
About the dead Owner

He was offended, saying

Well, it’s comforting
Being Owned