UNTITLED ❋ Vincent Pagé
Give me help with how to think about science
Wouldn’t from below the ice of a frozen lake
a bird’s shadow seem like flight anyway?
When you think about it there really aren’t
that many mediums
just a lot of space
even space within those mediums
an atom is 99% empty
I hope you don’t believe me
when I tell you I’ve spent
the last eight months
watching videos on YouTube
about space and mediums
because what a dumb thing to say
to anyone after eight months
of not saying anything
after eight months of nothing
in a something
Give me the time you called me
Your kinky mess
There are things wrong with me
like my biggest weakness
is that I care
too much
is that I work
too much
is that I’m just
too much of a damn team player
An intense commitment to cognitive dissonance
is one of my greatest assets
I signed up for this webinar
that teaches you
how to feel things right
it’s called
no one has any fucking idea what they’re doing:
an exploration in faking it/ making it
I heard a bee vibrate
in an attempt to communicate
desperately to the bee next to it
and thought it was my phone
thought it was you
I hate bees and you more now
I’m such a Millennial whore