I Wanted to Be the Knife
Sara Sutterlin
64 pages
Gold foil cover
Cover art: Alex Valencia
ISBN 9780993946431
Spring 2016
I know I could have said Anything
but instead I said Yes
Sara Sutterlin’s I Wanted to Be the Knife picks at the bones of modern romance by exploring the disappointments of intimacy and the loneliness of dissolving relationships. Her poems are brutal, funny and full of tender, ugly details that remind us of the compromises we make with ourselves and each other when in love.
knife/fork/book – “The best opening line of the year.”
The Walrus – “Hard to put down.”
Montreal Review of Books – “Poetry made of sexuality, power, and nerve.”
The Le Sigh – Spotlight: Sara Sutterlin
Vagabond City – “Sara Sutterlin’s I Wanted to Be the Knife is an escape from pretentious, bullshit dude poems. If anything, it is the answer to these poems. It gives us a look at cum from the other perspective. What does it mean to be spewed upon instead of doing the spewing?”
Echo – “Sutterlin writes the kind of poetry I wish I was brave enough to write—stripped-down, bloody, bare-knuckle poetry, whose strength is in its honesty, its anger, and its little details.”
Entropy – “The caustic feminism of the book prevails.”
Largehearted Boy – “A witty, intimate experience of contemporary malaise.”